Love The Skin You Are In: Tips for Beautiful and Healthy Skin

They say the best foundation you can ever wear is glowing, healthy skin. And they are absolutely right. As human beings, the skin is the part of our body that people see when we meet them and it leaves a lasting impression. Not only is our skin important in defining our identity and overall well-being, it serves as a natural barrier for our body against various harmful agents such as dirt, radiation and microbes. It is the first line of defense against the outside world so that we do not fall ill or injure ourselves seriously.

Unfortunately in this new day and age, our skin is exposed to way more harm than our ancestors experienced. Pollutants in the air, radiation from our electronic devices and the sun, and failure to maintain a healthy lifestyle, has bombarded our skin to extreme levels. Much like a wall that protects the occupants to a certain extent from a storm before collapsing, our skin eventually fails us and we are at the mercy of the elements. Our skin will generally look unhealthy and less attractive, and in worst cases, we may even contract diseases. Therefore, it is paramount that we protect and maintain the good health of our skin. But where do we start? Here are a few tips to healthy and magnificent skin:

1. Eat Healthy

You are what you eat, and a healthy diet can make your skin appear radiant. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fatty fish in your diet. The rich source of omega-3 in fatty fish, such as mackerel and salmon, is vital in maintaining a supple and moisturized skin while beta carotene in carrots and bell peppers are said to protect against harmful rays from the sun by acting as a natural sunblock. Besides that, avoid deep fried food as they can cause excess oil production on skin and also the high amount of trans fat can cause skin inflammation and bad complexion.

2. Stay Hydrated

Did you know that the skin is the largest organ of the human body? Since organs are made up of cells and a large percentage of cells are made up of water, it stands to reason that staying hydrated is essential in maintaining a smooth and healthy complexion. The easiest way to do so is by drinking 2 litres or 8 glasses of water per day. For better results however, you may also apply cosmetic products that contain hyaluronic acid and top it off with moisturizer everyday for supple, radiant skin.

3. Reduce Stress

This is one of the harder tips to follow as we are constantly inundated by stress. Whether it’s that school exam you are about to face or that deadline you want to get over, stress is a nuisance and it is also damaging to your skin. Ever wonder why that acne problem always comes around more frequently when finals are around the corner? Stress causes your body to produce more hormones such as cortisol which in turn causes your skin glands to produce more oil and ultimately, acne problems. Therefore, stress reduction can help in keeping your skin healthy. Make more time for stress-relieving activities and get at least 7 hours of sleep daily. Your skin will be grateful!

4. Pamper Your Skin

No matter how busy you are, always take time out to take care of your skin if you want your skin to look beautiful and healthy. Invest in good quality skincare products and use them regularly as they are designed to maintain skin moisture and keep them firm and supple. Relax with a beauty mask over your face to keep your skin looking young. Avoid using strong soaps and be careful while shaving. Our skin is delicate and precious and we must treasure it with all the care and love in the world.

5. Protect Yourself

From The Sun While the sun ensures that life flourishes on earth, it also sends out harmful radiations such as UV rays which can cause a series of skin diseases if our skin is exposed to the sun for prolonged periods of time. As such, it is of utmost importance that we protect our skin from the sun as much as possible to minimize skin damage. Applying broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or more and wearing protective clothing are just a few ways to keep our skin from being over-exposed to the sun’s damaging effects.

Remember, beautiful skin requires commitment, not a miracle. So let us take the first step in ensuring the youthfulness and health of our skin are taken care of well, for a brighter future.

DXN Beauty Skin products: Personal Care