The most important information about DXN’s remuneration system

In a few words about MLM earnings

Anyone who has ever dealt with MLM or heard of it can find that after reaching a certain level of performance, most networking-based businesses can earn “an incredible amount”.  In the MLM business, money initially comes from direct sales, margins.  You buy at wholesale prices and sell at consumer prices.  Most people join this form of business precisely to earn a passive income in order to become financially independent.  Therefore, DO NOT sell the products!  You need to “sell” the loyalty opportunity.  It is not difficult to calculate how many products it is worth to enter the store.  I suggest: offer a discounted purchase and avoid the product;  even if someone doesn’t want to build a network (or just doesn’t know yet), they just need the product for their own consumption.The most important thing in MLM is copying.  If you get loose and serve the opportunity loosely, without cramps (and not the product!), It will be sympathetic, people will like it and they will want to do it and they will want to do it that way.


One of the most important decision points, unlike most MLM systems, is the lack of obligations and expectations.

The product, Ganoderma coffee as a healthy coffee, is in itself a guarantee of success if one works hard.

But let’s look at the commitments that tend to discourage most networkers, even though the successful ones say there is no successful business without it.  It may be possible to force someone into a certain performance for a while, but in the long run only those with their own internal motivation will survive.  And it is very difficult (or impossible) to create one’s own internal motivation permanently with external influence.  The result requires TE, your faith and perseverance stemming from your sincere beliefs, and not an obstacle course full of obligations and performance constraints.

In DXN’s payment system, we do not differentiate between loyalty and store levels.  So whoever becomes a regular customer can also build the business.  To maintain your loyalty status, you must purchase at least one product per year.

DXN’s MLM system is free of the coercive tools common in other MLM networks, such as prevention, detachment, monthly zeroing, mandatory qualification, and so on.

The difference between each performance commission level and the commission level achieved by the employees joined to you will be your income as a function of the monthly sales made in your network.

The key is a quick start!

The essence of MLM business is copying.  If the people you see see how easily and quickly your network is built, they’ll be happy to join.

Remember, you will not have new loyal customers, new employees unless you hide this opportunity!  Tell as many people in person as possible, send your website address to as many of your friends as possible, and you’ll see, just like you, they want to join this great system.

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