Ganoderma and other DXN products in South Africa

DXN South Africa has a good ranking of excellent healthy wellness products for everyday use. DXN brings you a series of health products made of 100 % natural raw materials without any artificial preservatives, colourings or flavourings.

Learn more about DXN SA Products and the Ganoderma:

The parent company established in Malaysia produces the main ingredients of their products, the ganoderma mushroom or spirulina. However, among their products we can’t only find dietary supplements, but also groceries, hygiene products (e.g. ganoderma soap, toothpaste), and skin caring products.

The quality of DXN products is always given priority in every single step of production. The recognition of ISO 14001, ISO 9001, and TGA indicates that our products have attained international standards.

The Ganoderma mushroom

The Ganoderma Mushroom (Ganoderma Lucidum) contains nearly 200 alimentary substances which have positive effects on our body. One of those ingredients is Organic Germanium which is one of the most healing substances in Nature. The Ganoderma Mushroom is a virtuous plant therefore not containing side effects which weaken the body after long term use. In fact, this type of mushroom improves your immune system and helps the body heal itself more rapidly.

ganoderma-mushroom south africa

Scientific research has confirmed the many positive effects of Ganoderma on the body including the purification of the bloodstream, blood circulation as well as improves cell quality. It will strengthen the immune system as well as enable your organs to function optimally. Ganoderma has been proven to reduce the effects of poor circulation and maintain a healthy body.

The two-way effect of ganoderma, that it can increase or decrease blood pressure, may sound strange. Since ganoderma hamonizes the body’s functions, enhances the natural self-healing ability, can strengthen the immune system. Learn more »


spirulina-south-africaSpirulina is a type of blue-green algae which is full of life-giving nutrients such as protein, beta carotene, chlorophyll, antioxidants, minerals and other important nutrients that our body needs. It is also known as one of the best alkaline food, which helps to change weak acidic body condition to a healthy alkaline one.

It contains C-phykocyanin (blue coloring. not containing Magnesium), Chlorophyll (green coloring. containing Magnesium), cca 50 % Protein (thus rich in Amino acids including Essential Amino acids), Polysaccharides with high molecular weight (such as Spirulane Calcium salt), Sulpholipids. y-linolenic acid (nearly I %). l3-carotine, and other Carotinoids, Vitamin B.D. E.


cordyceps-sinensis-south-africaCordyceps is medicallyconsidered one of the most important species of the Cordyceps genus, which consists of more than 400 species. It grows above 3000 m in the cold, marshy and snowy areas of the mountains of China and Tibet.

It contains abundance of nutrients and bioactive compound such as cordycepic acid, cordycepin, amino acid, glutamic acid, polysaccharides, vitamin B12 and many more.

Choose a healthy life, choose DXN products!

If you would like to check our products made of ganoderma, you can browse in the online product catalog.

On this site, you can read actual and useful information about DXN products. If you happen to have any questions, contact us and we will gladly help.